I am so bored. Bored, bored, bored. I looked up synonyms for the word bored, and everything pales in comparison. Blasé, disinterested, dull, fatigued, inattentive, sick and tired, spiritless, tired, turned off...none of these words express what I'm feeling like the word bored. Bored. Bored.
Yesterday was the first day I went outside since seeing off Spaniard at the airport last Friday. Yesterday was the highlight of my week. Yesterday I went to the dentist.
I have always been a big fan of going to the dentist. Nothing quite compares to that smooth, slippery clean tooth feeling. I love getting all that plaque scraped out from between my teeth, because I will admit right here that I only floss the day or two leading up to a dentist appointment and various times throughout the year as needed. Regardless of what's going on between my teeth, my dentist told me years ago that I have "Excellent brushing technique!", and I've depended on that to make up for my flossing failings.
Why am I discussing my oral hygiene habits? Because I'm bored. Bored. Bored.
I'm still staying with my parents at their house, but my dad the "Funmaker" is out of town and my mom keeps herself busy piddling around in the kitchen doing God only knows what. Therefore, I pass my days indoors in my pajamas, watching the World Cup, perusing the Internet, stretching my foot, and watching home real estate shows on TV. Could I be using this time more productively? Like, say, studying Spanish, catching up on blogging (December 2008 onwards), reading? Well, I'm afraid to say that this is where bored turns into blasé. I have no excuse for why I haven't been more proactive indoors, but in my defense, I physically can't go outside by myself because every exit from the house involves stairs. I think it's a conspiracy. And I think I need a change of scenery pronto.
Oh, but today I flossed my teeth...the day after a dentist appointment. Perhaps I am turning this boredom into productivity after all!